Throughout history, the furnishings within a church have held significant importance, symbolizing spiritual leadership and teachings as well as community connection. Pulpits, lecterns, and podiums stand out for their distinct…
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Transforming Your Worship Space: Church Stage Design Ideas
The ambiance and aesthetics of a church can significantly impact the worship experience. Your choice of stage layout can create an environment that welcomes congregants in, enhances spiritual engagement, underscores…
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Ideas for Repurposing Old Church Furniture
If you’re getting new church furniture, you may be wondering what to do with the old. Repurposing the furniture offers many benefits, including cost savings, waste minimization, and preservation of…
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Buying the Right Pulpit or Lectern for Your Church
If you’re in the market for a new pulpit or lectern, you will quickly find that there are countless styles and options. ChurchPlaza has created a brief guide to selecting…
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4 Tips for Furnishing a Church Sanctuary
A church sanctuary is more than just a meeting place; it’s a space to minister and worship together. The furniture in your sanctuary should align with your church’s mission and…
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A Glossary of Church Chair Terms
When you’re in the process of buying church chairs or sanctuary furniture, you may run into some unfamiliar language. To help you make a more informed buying decision, we’ve put…
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